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  • 113. Manos George, Soulis V., Felekidou O., Matsou V. “A Numerical Investigation of the Dynamic and Earthquake Behavior of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Basilicas”, 3rd International Workshop on Conservation of Heritage Structures Using FRM and SHM, 2010, Ottawa, Canada.

  • 112. G. C. Manos, V. Soulis, O. Felekidou, N. Karamitsios, L. Kotoulas, “Numerical Study of the Dynamic and Earthquake Response of Greek Post-Byzantine Churches with or without Base Isolation”, 3rd International Workshop on Conservation of Heritage Structures Using FRM and SHM, 2010, Ottawa, Canada.

  • 111. Manos George, Soulis V., Felekidou O., Matsou V. “A Numerical Investigation of the Dynamic and Earthquake Behavior of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Basilicas”, 9th U.S. National and 10th Canadian Earthquake Engineering Conference, 2010, Toronto, Canada.

  • 110. G.C. Manos, A. G. Sextos, S. Mitoulis, M. Geraki, “Software for the Preliminary Design of Seismically Isolated R/C Highway Overpass Bridges”, 9th U.S. National and 10th Canadian Earthquake Engineering Conference, 2010, Toronto, Canada.

  • 109. Manos George, Soulis V., Felekidou O., “Numerical Study of the Dynamic and Earthquake Behavior of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Basilicas”, 8th International Masonry Conference, 2010, Dresden, Germany.

  • 108. Manos George, Soulis V., Felekidou O., Karamitsios N., Kotoulas L., “Dynamic and Seismic Behavior of Greek Post- Byzantine Churches with or without Base Isolation”, 8th International Masonry Conference, 2010, Dresden, Germany.

  • 107. G. C. Manos and E. Papanaoum, “Earthquake Behaviour of a R/C Building Constructed in 1933 before and after its Repair”STREMAH 2009, Tallin, 22-24 June, 2009.

  • 106. G.C Manos, V. Soulis, N. Karamitsios, O. Felekidou, Numerical Simulation of the Dynamic and Earthquake Behaviour of Greek Post-Byzantine Churches with and without Base Isolation”, PROHITECH 2009, 21 to 24 June 2009, Rome, Italy.

  • 105. G.C. Manos, M. Demosthenous, E. Tsakmakides, V. Kourtides, “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Sliding Response for Drums located at Columns of Ancient Greek Temples”, PROHITECH 2009, 21 to 24 June 2009, Rome, Italy.

  • 104. G. C. Μanos, V. J. Soulis, O. Felekidou, A. Koutsianou, P. Lipiridou, «The dynamic and earthquake response of Greek Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Basilicas”, COMDYN 2009, Rhodes, Greece.

  • 103. Γ. Χ. Μάνος, Κ. Κατάκαλος , Β. Κουρτίδης Χ. Μητσαράκης, «Διερεύνηση της Αγκύρωσης Ινοϋφασμάτων από Άνθρακα για τηνΕπισκευή/Ενίσχυση Κατακόρυφων Στοιχείων από Οπλισμένο Σκυρόδεμα», 3o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Αντισεισµικής Μηχανικής & Τεχνικής Σεισµολογίας, 2008, Άρθρο 1776

  • 102. Γεώργιος Χ. Μάνος , Βλαδίμηρος Κουρτίδης, Αναστάσιος Σέξτος, Σταύρος Χήρας, «Πειραματική και αριθμητική μελέτη αλληλεπίδρασης βάθρων γεφυρών και εδάφους θεμελίωσης», 3o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Αντισεισµικής Μηχανικής & Τεχνικής Σεισµολογίας, 2008, Άρθρο 1850

  • 101. Γεώργιος Χ. Μάνος, Ελευθέριος Παπαναούμ, «Μελέτη της Σεισμικής Απόκρισης 3-όροφου Κτιρίου Ο/Σ Κατασκευής προ του 1993 πριν και μετά την Επισκευή του», 3o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Αντισεισµικής Μηχανικής & Τεχνικής Σεισµολογίας, 2008, Άρθρο 1926

  • 100. Γεώργιος Χ. Μάνος Βασίλειος Ι. Σούλης, Τζαφάρ Θαουάµπτα, «Αποτίµηση της αριθµητικής προσοµοίωσης τοιχοπληρωµένων πλαισίων Ο/Σ υπό οριζόντιο ανακυκλιζόµενο φορτίο- Διερεύνηση της επιρροής του περιµετρικού αρµού», 3o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Αντισεισµικής Μηχανικής & Τεχνικής Σεισµολογίας, 2008, Άρθρο 1840

  • 99. G. C. Manos, K. Katakalos, V. Kourtides, ” Study of the anchorage of Carbon Fiber Plastics (CFRP) utilized to upgrade the flexural capacity of Vertical R/C members”, 14WCEE, Beijing, CHINA, 2008

  • 98. G. C. Manos, A. Sextos, S. Mitoulis, V. Kourtides, M. Geraki “Tests and Improvement of Bridge Elastomeric Bearings and Software Develoment for their Preliminary Design”, 14WCEE, Beijing, CHINA, 2008

  • 97. G.C. Manos, V. Kourtides, A. Sextos, “Model Bridge Pier Foundation- Soil Interaction implementing, in-situ / shera stack testing and numerical simulation”, 14WCEE, Beijing, CHINA, 2008.

  • 96. G.C. Manos, V.J. Soulis, O. Felekidou, “The dynamic and Earthquake Behavior of Greek Post-Byzantine Churches”, 14WCEE, Beijing, CHINA, 2008.

  • 95. G.C. Manos, V.J. Soulis, A. Diagouma, “Numerical Investigation of the behaviour of the church of Agia Triada, Drakotrypa, Greece”, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 39/4, pp 284-300, 2007.

  • 94. G. C. Manos, K. Katakalos, V. Kourtides , Ch. Mitsarakis “Upgrading the flexural capacity of a vertical R/C member using Carbon Fiber Reinforcing Plastics applied externally and anchored at the foundation”, FRPRCS-8 Conf. Univ. Patras, Greece, July 16-18, 2007, paper No. 130.

  • 93. G. C. Manos and V. Kourtides “Retrofitting of long rectangular R/C Cross-Sections with Partial Confinement employing Carbon Fiber Reinforcing Plastics” FRPRCS-8 Conf. Univ. Patras, Greece, July 16-18, 2007, paper No. 128.

  • 92. G.C. Manos, V. Kourtides, P. Matsoukas Investigation of the flexural and shear capacily of simple R/C beam specimens including repair schemes with FRP”, FRPRCS-8 Conf. Univ. Patras, Greece, July 16-18, 2007, paper No. 129.

  • 91. G.C. Manos, V. Kourtides, A. Sextos, S. Chiras “Soil-Foundation-Bridge Pier Interaction at the Euro-Seis Test Site”, 4th Int. Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki, 24-28 June, 2007.

  • 90. G.C. Manos, S. Mitoulis, V. Kourtidis, A.Sextos, I. Tegos “Study of the behavior of steel laminated rubber bearings under prescribed loads” 10th World Conference on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active Vibrations Control of Structures, Istanbul, Turkey, May 28-31, 2007.

  • 89. G.C. Manos, V. Kourtides, V.J. Soulis, E. Tsakmakides “Experimental and numerical investigation of the sliding behaviour of a set of two rigid blocks subjected to cyclic shear-type loads”, STREMAH 2007, Prague, 2007.

  • 88. G.C. Manos, V.J. Soulis, J. Thauampteh, “Evaluation of the numerical simulation of masonry-infilled RC frames under cyclic loading” , 7th International Masonry Conference, London, Oct. 30 – Nov. 1, 2006

  • 87. G.C. Manos, V. Kourtides, A. Sextos, P. Renault, S. Chiras “Study of the dynamic soil-structure interaction of a bridge pier model based on structure and soil measurements” 9th Canadian Conf. on Eartquake Engineering, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 26-29 June 2007.

  • 86. G. C. Manos and V. Kourtides “Retrofitting R/C of Bridge Pier Type Cross-Sections with Partial Confinement employing Carbon Fiber Reinforcing Plastics” 9th Canadian Conf. on Eartquake Engineering, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 26-29 June 2007.

  • 85. G. C. Manos, V. Kourtides, ” Flexural Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Pier Type Cross-Sections with Carbon Fiber Reinforcing Plastics”. Conference, 6th Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures Conf. ERES, Bologna Italy, 11-13 June 2007.

  • 84. G.C. Manos, V. Kourtides, V.J. Soulis, E. Tsakmakides “Experimental and numerical investigation of the sliding behaviour of a set of two rigid blocks subjected to cyclic shear-type loads”, 7th International Masonry Conference, London, Oct. 30 – Nov. 1, 2006

  • 83. Γεώργιος Χ. Μάνος, Β. Κουρτίδης “Επισκευή διατομών κατακόρυφων στοιχείων Ο.Σ. μέσω μερικής περίσφιξης και χρήσης ινουφασμάτων”, 15o Ελληνικό Συνέδριο Σκυροδέματος, Αλεξανδρούπολη, Οκτώβριος 2006.

  • 82. Σ. Μητούλης, Β. Κουρτίδης, Γ. Μάνος,, Ι. Τέγος, “Μελέτη της συμπεριφοράς ομοιωμάτων ελαστομεταλλικών εφεδράνων γεφυρών Ο/Σ κάτω από προδιαγεγραμμένες φορτιστικές καταπονήσεις” 15o Ελληνικό Συνέδριο Σκυροδέματος, Αλεξανδρούπολη, Οκτώβριος 2006.

  • 81. Γεώργιος Χ. Μάνος, Β. Κουρτίδης, Π. Ματσούκας, Δ. Σταύρου “Πειραματική και υπολογιστική διερεύνηση της επισκευής και ενίσχυσης δοκών Ο/Σ με την χρήση ινοπλισμένων πολυμερών” 15o Ελληνικό Συνέδριο Σκυροδέματος, Αλεξανδρούπολη, Οκτώβριος 2006.

  • 80. G.C. Manos, V. Kourtides, V. Soulis, A. Sextos, P. Renault “Dynamic response of a bridge pier model at the Volvi – Greece European Test Site including the soil flexibility”, 1st European Conf. on Earthquake Engineering and Eng. Seismology, Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 Sept. 2006, Paper No. 197

  • 79. G. C. Manos and V. Kourtides “Retrofotting R.C bridge pier type cross-sections with partial confinement employing carbon fiber reinforcing plastics”, 1st European Conf. on Earthquake Engineering and Eng. Seismology, Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 Sept. 2006, Paper No. 198.

  • 78. G. C. Manos and V. Kourtides “Retrofotting R.C bridge pier type cross-sections with partial confinement employing carbon fiber reinforcing plastics”, 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Fransisco, 17-21 April, 2006.

  • 77. G.C. Manos, V. Kourtides, V. Soulis, A. Sextos, P. Renault ” Study of the dynamic response of a bridge pier model structure at the Volvi – Greece European Test Site”, 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Fransisco, 17-21 April, 2006.

  • 76. G.C. Manos, V. Kourtides, V.J. Soulis “Cyclic and dynamic response of a bridge pier model located at the Volvi European

  • 75. Test Site in Greece, 18SMIRT, Beijing, China, 7-12August, 2005, K17-4. 75. G.C. Manos, V. Kourtides, V.J. “Upgrading the seismic performance of the interior water pipe supporting system of a cooling tower”, 18SMIRT, Beijing, China, 7-12August, 2005, K07-2.

  • 74. G.C. Manos, V. Kourtides, V.J. Soulis “Experimental and numerical investigation of the sliding behaviour of a set of two rigid blocks subjected to cyclic shear-type loads”, Contact/Surface Conference, Bologna Italy, 2005.

  • 73. G. C. Manos, “Architectural Heritage in Seismic Areas – Conservation and Restoration Effort – Technological-Scientific Advancements”, International Workshop, Assisi, Rome, 2005.

  • 72. G.Manos, V. Kourtidis, V.J. Soulis “The dynamic and earthquake response of a bridge pier model at the Volvi European test site”, Proc. ERES 2005, pp. 417-427, Skiathos, Greece, 2005.

  • 71. A.T. Taflanidis, D.C. Angelides, G.C. Manos “Optimal Design and performance of liquid column mass dampers for rotational vibration control of structures under white noise excitation”, Journal Engineering Structures, 27 (2005), 524-534.

  • 70. G.C. Manos, V.J. Soulis, A. Diagouma, “Preliminary Numerical Investigation of the Dynamic Characteristics of Historic Monuments”, 13WCEE, Vancouver, 2004.G.C.

  • 69. G.C. Manos, D.S. Stavrou, M. Demosthenous, V. Kourtides, “Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Repaired and Strenghtened Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements Utilizing CFRP”, 13WCEE, Vancouver, 2004.

  • 68. Γ.Χ. Μάνος, Β. Σούλης, Λ. Παπάς, Α. Διαγουμά, «Αριθμητική Διερεύνηση των Δυναμικών Χαρακτηριστικών Εκκλησιών Βυζαντινού ή Μεταβυζαντινού Ρυθμού», Τέυχος Νο. 4, Συ΄. Πολ. Μηχ. Θεσ/νίκης, Σελ. 8-12, 2004.

  • 67. Γ. Χ. Μάνος, Δ. Σ. Σταύρου, Β. Κουρτίδης, Χ. Μητσαράκης, “Πειραματική και υπολογιστική διερεύνηση της επισκευής και ενίσχυσης δομικών στοιχείων Ο/Σ με τη χρήση ινοπλισμένων πολυμερών. 14o Ελληνικό Συνέδριο Σκυροδέματος, Τομος Β. Σελ. 482- 494, 29-41 Κως, 2003.

  • 66. Μ. Δημοσθένους Γ. Χ. Μάνος, Δ. Σ. Σταύρου, Β. Κουρτίδης “Πειραματική διερεύνηση της επιρροής χειροποίητων και μηχανοποίητων εγκάρσιων οπλισμών σε δομικά στοιχεία Ο/Σ.”, 14o Ελληνικό Συνέδριο Σκυροδέματος, Τόμος Γ, Σελ. 29-41 Κως, 2003.

  • 65. George C. Manos and Vassilios Soulis “Upgrading the Seismic Behavior of the Interior Water Pipe Supporting System of a Cooling Tower”, 8th World Seminar on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active Vibration Control of Structures Yerevan, Armenia, October 6-10, 2003.

  • 64. G.C. Manos “Report on Selected Papers – Session V: Architectural Heritage In Seismic Areas” Proc. Intern. Congress – More Than 2000 Years in the History of Architecture UNESCO, pp. 236-254, Paris, 2003

  • 63. G.C. Manos, V.J. Soulis, J. Thawabteh “Non-linear Numerical Simulation of the Mortar Joints’ Failure Mechanism Utilizing Unreinforced Masonry Assemblages”, 6th Intern. Symp. on Computer methods in Str.l Masonry, Apr. 2003, Italy.

  • 62. G.C. Manos, V.J. Soulis, L. Papas, A. Diagouma, “Numerical Investigation of the Dynamic Characteristics of Historic Monuments”, 6th Intern. Symp. on Computer methods in Str.l Masonry, Apr. 2003, Italy.

  • 61. G.C. Manos, V.J. Soulis, Y. Yehya, L. Papas, A. Diagouma, “Preliminary Numerical Investigation of the Dynamic Characteristics of Historic Monuments” , International Conference for Building and Construction, pp. 226-236, Cairo, Egypt, 2003.

  • 60. G.C. Manos, V.J. Soulis, V. Kourtides, “Bearing capacity and modes of buckling failure of metal scaffolding systems subjected to central compression”, International Conference for Building and Construction, pp. 624-636, Cairo, Egypt, 2003.

  • 59. G.C. Manos, L. Papas, V.J. Soulis, A. Diagouma, “Numerical simulation of the behavior of Byzantine churches under gravitational and seismic actions.” STREMAH VIII, pp. 513-522, Halkidiki, 2003.

  • 58. G. C. Manos, M. Yasin, Thawabteh, V. Kourtides, “The Performance of Partially Reinforced Masonry Subjected to Horizontal Cyclic and Compressive Loads”, 9th North American Masonry Conference, Clemson Univ., North Carolina, USA, 2003.

  • 57. G.C. Manos, V. Soulis, J. Thawabteh “Numerical Investigation of Mortar – Joint Modes of in-plane failure Utilizing Unereinforced Masonry Assemblages”, 9th North American Masonry Conference, Clemson Univ., North Carolina, USA, 2003.

  • 56. G.C. Manos, L. Papas, V.J. Soulis, A. Diagouma, “Preliminary Numerical Study of Byzantine Churches – the Church of the Assumption of The Mother of God at Zervati “, 6th Int. Masonry Conference, London, Nov. 2002, pp. 294 -302.

  • 55. G.C. Manos, M. Yasin, J. Thawabteh, V. Kourtides, “The performance of partially reinforced masonry walls subjected to combined horizontal cyclic and compressive loads”, 6th Int. Masonry Conference, London, Nov. 2002, pp. 284-293.

  • 54. G.C. Manos, V. Kourtides, “The dynamic and eartquake behavior of rigid bodies with and without shape memory alloy devices”, International Conference of Non-Smooth/Nonconvex Mechanics with application in Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2002.

  • 53. G.C. Manos, V.J. Soulis, V. Kourtides, Gr. G. Penelis “Investigation of the bearing capacity and modes of buckling failure of metal scaffolding subjected to central compession”, International Conference of Non-Smooth/Nonconvex Mechanics with application in Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2002.

  • 52. G.C. Manos, M. Yasin, “The Earthquake Performance of Partially Reinforced Brick Walls under horizontal in-plae cyclic loading”, 12th European Earthquake Engineering Conference, London, England, 2002.

  • 51. G.C. Manos, M. Demosthenous, V. Kourtides, “The Dynamic and Earthquake Response of Models of Ancient Columns and Colonnades with and without Energy Dissipation Devices”, 12th European Earthquake Engineering Conference, London, England, 2002.

  • 50. G.C. Manos, M. Yasin, J. Thawabteh, V. Kourtides, K. Stylianides, “The performance of reinforced masonry piers subjected to horizontal cyclic loading” ERES 2001, Malaga, Spain, 2001.

  • 49. G.C. Manos, M. Demosthenous, V. Kourtides, “The Response of Models of Ancient Columns and Colonnades under Horizontal Forces with or without SMAD’s” 2ο Int. Conf. “Studies in Ancient Structures” Constantinoupol, Turkey, 2001.

  • 48. G.C. Manos, M. Demosthenous, V. Kourtides, A. Hatzigeorgiou “Study of the dynamic and earthquake behavior of models of ancient columns and colonnades with and without the inclusion of wires with energy dissipation characteristics”, 9th Canadian Conference on Masonry Structures, Univ. New Braunswick, Canada, 2001

  • 47. G.C. Manos, M. Yasin, J. Thawabteh, V. Kourtides”, 9th Canadian Conference on Masonry Structures, Univ. New Braunswick, Canada, 2001.

  • 46. G.C. Manos, M. Yasin, J. Thawabteh, V. Kourtides. “The earthquake performance of partially reinforced masonry piers subjected to in-plane cyclic loading. 9th Canadian Conference on Masonry Structures, Univ. New Braunswick, Canada, 2001.

  • 45. G.C. Manos “Study of the Dynamic and Earthquake Behavior of Rigid Bodies with or without the Inclusion of Shape Memory Alloy Devices” , 16SMIRT, Washington D.C. 2001.

  • 44. G.C. Manos, M. Demosthenous, V. Kourtides, A. Hatzigeorgiou “The Dynamic and Earthquake Behavior of Ancient Columns and Colonnades with and without Shape Memory Alloy Devices”, STREMAH 2001, Florence, Italy, 2001.

  • 43. G.C. Manos “Experimental and Numerical Study of the Dynamic and Earthquake Behavior of Ancient Colonnades with or without the Insertion of SMA Devices”, 5th Intern. Symp. on Computer methods in Str.l Masonry, Apr. 2001, Italy.

  • 42. G.C. Manos “The earthquake Performance of Partially Reinforced Masonry Piers subjected to Horizontal Cyclic Loading”, 5th Intern. Symp. on Computer methods in Str.l Masonry, Apr. 2001, Italy.

  • 41. Papas and G.C. Manos “A numerical Study of the church of Assumption on Mother of God (Koimiseos tis Theotokou) at Zervati of the District of Argyrokastro”, 5th Intern. Symp. on Computer methods in Str.l Masonry, Apr. 2001, Italy.

  • 40. G.C. Manos, “Measured Earthquake Response and Numerical Predictions of Multi-Storey Reinforced Concrete Framed Structures with Masonry Infills”, 5th Intern. Symp. on Computer methods in Str.l Masonry, Apr. 2001, Italy.

  • 39. G. C. Manos, “The Earthquake Performance of Partially Reinforced Masonry Piers subjected to Horizontal Cyclic Loading”, Int. Symposium on Concrete and Masonry Structures”, Dept. Civil Eng. Univ. Thessaloniki, Greece, 2000.

  • 38. G.C. Manos,, “Experimental and Numerical Study of the Dynamic and Earthquake Behavior of Ancient Columns and Colonnades with the Insertion of Wires having Energy Dissipative Characteristics”. 5th International Congress on Restoration of Cultural Heritage FIRENZE 2000, Italy, 2000.

  • 37. G.C. Manos, J. Thaumpta, M. Yasin “Influence of Masonry Infills on the Earthquake Response of Multi-story Reinforced Concrete Structures” presented at the 12th WCEE, Auckland, New Zealand, 2000.

  • 36. G.C. Manos, M. Demosthenous, A. Hatzigeorgiou, J. Manou-Evison “Study of the dynamic and earthquake behavior of models of ancient columns and colonnades with and without the inclusion of wires with energy dissipation characteristics”, 12th WCEE, Auckland, New Zealand, 2000.

  • 35. G.C. Manos, J. Thaumpta, B. Yasin, K. Stylianides. P. Trilirakis “The observed performance of partially reinforced masonry piers subjected to combined horizontal cyclic and compressive loads.” 12th WCEE, Auckland, New Zealand, 2000.

  • 34. G.C. Manos, M. Demosthenous and A. Hatzigeorgiou, “Experimental and numerical study of the response of models of ancient columns and colonnades subjected to lateral loads”, 3rd Greek National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Vol. II, pp. 463 -470, Volos, Greece, 1999.

  • 33. G.C. Manos “The dynamic performance of models of ancient columns and colonnades with and without the insertion of wires made of shape memory alloy”, STREMAH 99, pp. 281-290, Dresden, Germany, 1999.

  • 32. G.C. Manos, M. Demosthenous and A. Hatzigeorgiou, “The dynamic and earthquake performance of models of ancient columns and colonnades with and without the insertion of wires with energy dissipation characteristics”, ERES99, pp. 489-498, Catania, Italy, 1999.

  • 31. G.C. Manos, B. Yasin, J. Thaumpta ” The Simulated Earthquake Response of two 7-story R.C. Planar Model Structures – A Shear Wall and a Frame with Masonry Infills”, 1998 11th European Earthquake Engineering Conference, 1998.

  • 30. G.C. Manos, J. Thaumpta, B. Yasin, M. Triamataki, M. Demosthenous “The Dynamic Response of a 5-story Structure at the European Test site at Volvi-Greece”, 11th European Earthquake Engineering Conference, 1998.

  • 29. G.C. Manos, B. Yasin, J. Thaumpta, D. Mpoufides ” The Simulated Earthquake Response of two 7-story R.C. Planar Model Structures – A Shear Wall and a Frame with Masonry Infills”, 6th U.S. National Earthquake Engineering Conference, 1998.

  • 28. G.C. Manos, M. Triamataki, J. Thaumpta, B. Yasin, P. Skalkos, M. Demosthenous “The Dynamic Response of a 5-story Structure at the European Test site at Volvi-Greece”, 6th U.S. National Earthquake Engineering Conference, 1998.

  • 27. G.C. Manos, B. Yasin, J. Thaumpta, M. Triamataki, P. Skalkos, D. Mpoufides, M. Demosthenous, “The Dynamic Response of multi-story R.C. Structures Shaking Table and In-situ Tests” EGYQUAKE 2 Earthquake Engineering Conference, Nov. 1997, Egypt.

  • 26. G.C. Manos Earthquake Performance of the Church of St. Constantinos in Kozani-Greece. Correlation of the Observed Damage with Numerical Predictions”, 4th Intern. Symposium on computer methods in Structural Masonry, Sept. 1997, Florence, Italy.

  • 25. G.C. Manos “The Dynamic Response of Multi-story R.C. Frame Structures with Masonry Infills. A Laboratory tested 7 -Story R.C. Planar Model and an In-situ 5-story Building at the European Test Site at Volvi, Greece”. 4th Intern. Symposium on computer methods in Structural Masonry, Sept. 1997, Florence Italy.

  • 24. G.C. Manos “The Measured Response of Partially Reinforced Masonry Piers subjected to Combined Horizontal Cyclic and Compressive Loads”, 4th Intern. Symp. on Computer methods in Str.l Masonry, Sept. 1997, Italy.

  • 23. G.C. Manos “Activities performed in Greece related to the improvement of Seismic Protection – Part I lessons from earthquake disasters during the last twenty years – Part II Seismic Input” Int. Post-SMIRT Seminar, Taormina, Italy, 1997.

  • 22. M. Castellano, R. Medeot, G.C. Manos “Seismic Protection of Cultural Heritage Through Shape Memory Alloy-Based devices” Int. Post-SMIRT Seminar, Taormina, Italy, 1997.

  • 21. G.C. Manos and M. Demosthenous “The dynamic response of a simple rigid formation including two rigid columns and a top rigid block”, 14th SMIRT, Volume K part 2, pp 399-406, Lyon, France, 1997.

  • 20. G.C. Manos “Studies of building components and structures and parts of industrial facilities with laboratory models and prototype structures in-situ (Earthquake Simulator Facility)”, 14th SMIRT, Volume K part 2, pp 247-254, Lyon, France, 1997.

  • 19. G.C. Manos, B. Yasin, J. Thaumpta, M. Triamataki, P. Skalkos, , M. Demosthenous ” The Dynamic Response of a 5-Story R.C. Structure in-situ at the Euoropean test site at Volvi”, 14th SMIRT, Volume H, pp 283-290, Lyon, France, 1997.

  • 18. G.C. Manos “Correlation of the observed earthquake performance of the church of St. Constantine in Kozani-Greece with corresponding numerical predictions”, STREMA97, pp. 309-320, San Sebastian Spain.

  • 17. G.C. Manos, M Demosthenous “Models of ancient columns or colonnades subjected to horizontal base motions – study of their dynamic and earthquake behavior”, STREMA97, pp. 289-298, San Sebastian Spain.

  • 16. G. C. Manos and M. Demosthenous ” Study of the dynamic response of models of ancient columns or colonnades subjected to horizontal base motions”, 11WCEE, Session 6.3.3. of Abstract Volume Analysis of Masonry Structures, Acapulco, Mexico, 1996.

  • 15. G.C. Manos “Prediction of the dynamic characteristics of a 5-story R.C. building at the Volvi European Test Site”, Structural Dynamics EURODYN’96, ISBN9054108134, pp.877-884, Vol. 2, 1996.

  • 14. G.C. Manos M. Demosthenous, “Study of the dynamic response of ancient columns or colonnades subjected to horizontal base motions” Structural Dynamics EURODYN’96, ISBN9054108134, pp.841-848, Vol. 2, 1996.

  • 13. G.C. Manos, “The Seismic Response of Reinforced Concrete Multistory Buildings with Masonry Infills”, Proc. 2nd Cairo Earthquake Engineering Symposium on Seismic Codes, Dec. 1995, Egypt, pp. 337-366.

  • 12. G.C. Manos and M. Demosthenous : “Comparative Study of the Global Dynamic behaviour of Solid Rigid Bodies”, Proc. Intern. Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 1, pp. 490-499, Amman, Jordan, Oct. 1995.

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